Обряд против невестки с полынью

Простой и эффективный обряд с полынью поможет снять сглаз с невестки и защитить ее от негативной энергии. Узнайте, как провести ритуал правильно.

Обряд against a daughter-in-law with wormwood

Necessary materials⁚

  • 3 thin wax candles
  • Ground wormwood or St․ John’s wort
  • Photo of the person to be cleared


1․ Prepare the wormwood․ Recite the following incantation three times over the wormwood⁚

Wormwood, a powerful herb,
Protect us from harm and from any curse․
Drive away the negative,
Bring in the positive․

2․ Light the candles․ Place the black candle on the left and the white candle on the right․

3․ Clear the space․ Take the black candle and walk around the room in a counterclockwise direction, stopping at each corner to recite the following incantation⁚

Negative energy, leave this place․
Darkness and evil, be erased․
With this candle’s flame,
All harm is gone, in Jesus’ name․

4․ Protect the person․ Take the white candle and walk around the room in a clockwise direction, stopping at each corner to recite the following incantation⁚

Positive energy, fill this space․
Love, peace, and joy, embrace this place․
With this candle’s flame,
All good is here, in Jesus’ name․

5․ Cleanse the photo․ Place the photo between the two candles and recite the following incantation⁚

Wormwood, protect this soul from harm․
Drive away all evil, keep them calm․
With this herb’s power,
They are safe and free, every hour․

6․ Complete the ritual․ Let the candles burn out completely․ Then, dispose of the wormwood and the photo in a respectful manner․

Note⁚ This ritual is intended for use against harmful or negative influences․ It should not be used to harm or control another person․

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