13 Сильнейших Порч на Английском

«Откройте для себя 13 самых сильных английских порч, которые использовались на протяжении веков для наведения порчи и контроля над другими. Узнайте о заклинаниях привязки, замешательства и несчастья.»

13 Сильнейших Порч на Английском

1. Spell of Binding

«By the power of ancient runes, I bind thee, (victim’s name), to my will. May you be unable to resist my commands, and may your fate be sealed according to my desires.»

2. Spell of Confusion

«I cast this spell upon thee, (victim’s name), to cloud thy mind with doubt and confusion. May your thoughts become tangled and your path be obscured.»

3. Spell of Ill Fortune

«Let the winds of misfortune blow upon thee, (victim’s name), bringing sickness, poverty, and despair into thy life. May thy every step be met with obstacles and thy hopes be dashed.»

4. Spell of Weakness

«Drain thy strength from thee, (victim’s name), leaving thee weak and powerless. May thy body tremble and thy mind falter, making thee vulnerable to all who would do thee harm.»

5. Spell of Separation

«I sever the bond between thee, (victim’s name), and (target’s name). May distance and mistrust divide you, and may your love turn to ashes.»

6. Spell of Nightmares

«Haunt thy nights with nightmares, (victim’s name), filling thy dreams with terror and dread. May thy sleep be disturbed and thy waking hours filled with the shadows of fear.»

7. Spell of Loneliness

«Isolating thee, (victim’s name), from the warmth of companionship. May thy friends forsake thee, and thy family turn their backs on thee. May solitude consume thee, leaving thee lost and alone.»

8. Spell of Poverty

«Reduce thee to poverty, (victim’s name), stripping thee of thy wealth and possessions. May thy fortunes dwindle and thy hopes of financial security be shattered.»
9. Spell of Illness

«Afflict thee with illness, (victim’s name), causing thy body to fail and thy spirit to weaken. May pain and suffering be thy constant companions, and may healing elude thee.»
10. Spell of Madness

«Unleash madness upon thee, (victim’s name), shattering thy sanity and casting thee into the abyss of despair. May thy thoughts become incoherent and thy actions erratic, making thee a prisoner in thy own mind.»

11. Spell of Death

«Call upon the Grim Reaper, (victim’s name), and hasten thy demise. May thy life be cut short and thy soul be condemned to eternal torment.»

12. Spell of Torment

«Subject thee to endless torment, (victim’s name), filling thy life with pain and suffering. May thy every moment be filled with agony, and may there be no respite from thy misery.»

13. Spell of Damnation

«Consign thee to the depths of hell, (victim’s name), where thou shalt suffer eternal punishment for thy sins. May the fires of the underworld consume thee, and may thy soul be lost forever.»

Предупреждение⁚ Эти порчи являются мощными и могут иметь серьезные последствия. Используйте их только с крайней осторожностью и будьте готовы принять ответственность за свои действия.

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